
Kai’s Monthly Photo Series

November 11, 2017

Originally, the plan was just to take baby’s photo monthly, Toppet suggested that we include her milestones in it, so I told him if we’re gonna do the first month, we’re not allowed to slack for the following 11 months.. and it’s his job to edit.

For the first few months, I was excited for Kai to grow up, so I can see her smile, giggle, talk gibberish, give us kisses and hugs, but now that she’s 8 months old, I realized she’s growing oh so fast for like 5 seconds? I want it to pause. Now’s probably a good time to say… aaaaaaaawww.. all you mommies, I get how you feel now.

We didn’t have a theme in mind. Her clothes were gifts from wonderful people. We just choose what she wears based on what fits that time. Because you know, they grow up so fast. aaaawwwww….and those clothes that she outgrew, oh boy, is it just me or it is really hard to let go of them?

The photos have different lighting because I took them at random times of the day. Like when I get home from work at 6 pm, or if we wake up at 7 am on a rest day or we come home from running an errand. Anytime that she’s in a good mood, everything’s put on hold and then we shoot. Because it’s not always rainbows and butterflies like in our case this was the time Kai first yelled at me, haha, see Exhibit A at the bottom of this post.

Exhibit A


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