
My Home Desk

February 19, 2021

So here’s my desk, my corner where I can’t be bothered. I can only work here at night when everyone’s asleep.

Even before the pandemic began and prior to me giving birth to Joaquin, I was working from home. My desk is pretty much everywhere in the house – be it in the dining table, living room, bedroom. I had no space, my stuff where everywhere and it drove me crazy. I didn’t want to spend but I trusted myself that I needed this. I needed a space where I can do all the mom work like budgeting, paying monthly bills etc. I also needed a space where I can freely express my ideas and unwind from the overwhelming duties of a mom. If you don’t know me yet, I couldn’t just function being just a mom all day.

I almost bought a white Eames chair at Php1,650. I also considered the white massage chair, but my legs tend to sweat a lot with faux leather material on a hot summer day or when the air-con is turned off. I was really looking for white.

It wasn’t like I needed an ergonomic chair anymore because I don’t sit here all day. But Toppet encouraged me to buy one. I couldn’t find one that I really like so I ended up importing a few to sell them over Lazada and FB Market place.

Here are the links where you can get them.

White Ergonomic Chair S6 Motostuhl Ergonomic Chair
The desk is from AVMake Industries. It was the first thing I bought around June last year.
My extended monitor is BenQ GW 2480.
The one that is holding my monitor is a Loop Alloy dual monitor mount but I’m only using one arm here.
There’s also RGB led strip behind the table to add a little light.
Got me a white calculator too.
Andbon AD-30S dry cabinet for my camera and old gears

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