This is my 2nd time back in La Union and I’m still loving it. We made room reservations at Sebay Surf Resort with the group (San Juan Surf Resort was fully booked). I was so excited to use the newly bought Go Pro Hero 2 Camera Surf Edition! Finally, high quality shots while surfing. Now I’m looking forward to surf and surf and surf again (if I have all the financial means 😛 ). Gonna love this hobby.
Danish, her friend Jin and I surfed with one instructor each on day one. Toppet, Sirus and Takeo’s turn the next day. They were all stoked like I was when I first tried it. I’m sure anyone would love the challenge to balance and be able to stand up, against the wave.
Remember the film Blue Crush? I want to be Anna Marie Chadwick (Kate Bosworth). I am a surfer chic in my own way. HA!
I’m gonna do it again, fo sho! 😉
Anyway, watch our video in HD Quality (720p). Surf’s up!!

while they surf, lets pose for a pic! 😎